Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm bloody nervous

Oh,my fate.... Monday is approaching,means my FINAL EXAM is approaching. Why oh why there should be Final Exam?just graduate me and let me go.

I was not serious,i admit that. I was so stupid not to be serious about my final exam. And now i'm so nervous,anxious,wary,lazy etc.

Whoever read this,just wish me luck,guys.

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Weird dream | Wannabe my girlfriend?

She was in....where? 'dream again?' she thought,wonder why she could think in dream state.

Then again,what on earth she always dreamt of some bloody hot guys lately. Scratch that. Only twice,my girl.

So this guy, he sit in breacher,leaning his head in wall behind him. He bent one leg up to his chair and dragged ciggarete casually. She wrinkled her nose,she hate smoke but she always found some smoker hot!

He blew and opened his eyes. Somehow she managed to stand beside that guy.

He glanced to her,then smirked.
She swooned.

' wannabe my girlfriend? '


He stammered and blunted ' hell no!'

' you're mine ' the guy said possesively.

She woke up abruptly,head spinning and heart drumming wildly.

Damn dream.

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Weird dream (part 1)

She saw that school. She was obssesed with that school. She tried her best to enter that school.

She was never be able to be in that school.

She hate that school.

She saw her friend. Long haired girl. One of the closest in her past. The one she loathed for ruining her love affair. Nevertheless, she never stopped to befriend toward anybody.

She hugged her friend. " Where are you going?" she vaguely asked the long haired girl.

"Sam" she pointed a room behind her.

Her heart leapt. She hadn't met forever. She wanted to met him. She wanted to kick him for breaking her heart. She wanted to say sorry for avoiding him like a plague.

She nodded and walked toward that room.

There,among people she never met. Sam,painting. She just saw his head,but she knew that it was Sam,her long-standing crush. He covered his forehead with black bandana. His attire were all black. Her favorite color.

Her throat constricted. She wanted to call him.

Why was so hard?


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Janji yang Tak Pernah Terpenuhi

Disclaimer : Minekura Kazuya


Suatu hari nanti, akan kutunjukkkan padamu tempat bersembunyi bagus di kayangan. Kapan-kapan ya…

Nataku berusaha membuka matanya. Tubuh yang lelah dan sakitlah yang ia rasakan. Nataku berusaha mengingat diamana dia dan kenapa dia merasa sakit sekali. Nataku memejamkan matanya untuk mengingat namun terlalu lelah untuk berpikir. Tidak sadar akan kehadiran tangan kecil yang menggenggam erat tangannya. Seakan berusaha meyakinkan bocah yang sakit itu bahwa dia akan selalu bersamanya.

Nataku kembali tertidur.

Sementara pemilik tangan kecil itu juga tertidur dengan dengkuran lemah di samping Nataku. Tidak akan pernah tahu takdir menyedihkan yang akan menimpa dirinya dan orang-orang yang dicintainya.

Goku si Anak Bumi, Seiten Taisei Son Goku tidak akan pernah ingat apapun pada akhirnya.

“ Aku akan membunuh siapapun yang berani menyakiti ayahku.” tegas Nataku, pedang Dewa Perangnya terhunus pada bocah yang dianggapnya sebagai sahabat, dulu, sekarang dan sampai kapanpun.

Goku hanya menatap balik, berusaha mencari kebohohongan di mata yang berwarna sama dengan miliknya. Dia sama sekali tidak menemukan kebohongan di sana. Hanya ketegasan.

“Bunuh dia Nataku! Demi aku! Kayangan tidak butuh dua pemilik mata emas.”teriak Li Touten.

Boneka Li Touten itu ragu, dia benar-benar tidak ingin membunuh satu-satunya sahabat yang baru ditemukannya. Namun, sebagai boneka dia tak punya pilihan lain selain mematuhi pembuatnya, ayahnya.

Nataku mengayunkan pedangnya, membuang jauh-jauh persaannya demi ayahnya. Diarahkannya pedang yang juga telah mengalahkan Raja Siluman Gyu Ma Oh pada sahabatnya. Semantara sahabatnya terlalu lugu untuk mengerti bahwa Nataku benar-benar akan membunuhnya. Percaya bahwa seorang sahabat tidak akan menyakiti sahabatnya lebih-lebih membunuh!

Kenren yang tahu Nataku benar-benar bertujuan membunuh Goku, heretic yang sudah dia anggap adik sendiri, tidak berdiam diri. Melompat tepat di depan Goku, dia menangkis pedang yang kan menghilangkan nyawa Goku sekali mendarat di tubuh Goku.

“ Pegi dari sini!” teriak Kenren sambil berusaha mengimbangi serangan Nataku yang jauh lebih kuat mengingat bocah itu adalah Dewa Perang.

Terlalu bingun untuk mengerti, Goku hanya terpaku diam. Melihat semua kejadian dari tempat yang sama.

Tenpou tiba-tiba muncul mengayunkan pedang yang dia “pinjam” pada Li Touten tetapi berhasil dihadang oleh Nataku.

“Bunuh ketiga pengkhianat kayangan ini Nataku!” perintah Nataku yang dengan pengecutnya mundur dan berlindung di balik anaknya.

Dua lawan satu.

Seharunya dua menang melawan satu. Namun hal itu akan berbeda jika satu itu adalah seorang heretic dan Dewa Perang sekaligus.

Dalam waktu singkat, Kenren dan Tenpou terpojok, tahu mereka tidak akan bisa menang betapapun mereka berusaha. Nataku hanya terlalu kuat bagi mereka. Darah merembes menodai baju Tenpou. Hal yang sama di pihak Kenren, darah merembes dari sisi kepalanya.

Goku yang hanya bisa menatap, mulai merasakan dadanya tertekan oleh rasa sedih dan takut. Sedih melihat orang-orang yang dikenalnya membunuh satu dengan yang lainnya. Takut akan kehilangan orang-orang yang dicintainya. Air mata mulai menemukan jalannnya.

“ Hentikan! Jangan berkelahi lagi! Aku tidak mau seperti ini. Hentikan!” teriak Goku. Air mata mengalir dari mata lugunya.

Mereka mendengarnya tapi tidak bisa menuruti permintaan Goku.

Goku terus berteriak, berusaha menghentikan teman-temannya. Namun tanpa hasil. Karena mereka tetap bertarung mempertahankan perasaan ingin melindungi dan kepatuhan.

Satu hempasan, Kenren dan Temnpou menghantam tembok, membuat keduanya tidak mampu bergerak untuk beberapa saat. Dan beberapa saat itu cukup bagi Nataku untuk kembali menyelesaikan urusannya dengan Goku. Pedang diarahkanny ke leher kecil Goku. Satu dorongan saja dan Goku mati.

“ Bunuh dia Nataku!” perintah Li Touten.

Goku tetap terpaku.

Lalu dia ingat bahwa Nataku belum tahu namanya, lebih tepatnya Goku belum memberitahukannya. Dia tak punya nama saat mereka berkenalan dan selalu bertemu lagi di saat yang tidak tepat, dimana Goku selalu lupa untuk memberitahu nama yang diberikan Konzen padanya. Mungkin Nataku akan menghentikan semua ini jika aku memberitahukan namaku, pikir Goku.

Hanya Son Goku yang bias berpikir senaif itu.

Keduanaya saling menatap, pedang tetap tertuju ke leher kecil Goku. Nataku tidak ingin membunuh sahabatnya. Namun ayahnya tetap berteriak-teriak dan menyuruhnya untuk membunuh sahabatnya. Dia tak bisa membenci ayahnya, karena dialah yang membawanya hidup. Dia tak akan pernah bisa menentang ayahnya. Dan apakah dengan itu dia boleh membunuh teman sendiri.

“ Nataku….”, suara Goku memecahkan keheningan diantara dua heretic itu “ tentang namaku…”

Sesuatu merambat di dada Nataku,sakit.

“ Namaku Son Goku. Senang berkenalan denganmu!” Goku menyelesaikan perkenalannya dan tersenyum hangat pada Nataku. Senyum tulus, ditujukan pada seseorang yang ingin membunuhnya.

Cukuplah itu bagi Nataku

“ Goku…..” Natku berusaha merasakan nama temannya di lidahnya. Air mata mengkhianati ketetapan hatinya untuk mematuhu perintah ayahnya, jatuh mangalir di pipi pucatnya bersamaan dengan kehancuaran hatinya. Terbagi antara pengabdian dan persahabatan. Dia memilih jalan tengah. Dia tak akan berpihak pada ayahnya ataupun Goku. Jalan yang tanpa diketahuinya akan membawa penderitaan mendalam, bukan hanya pada dirinya sendiri. Namun juga pada Goku. Dia tak akan tahu.

Nataku mengalihkan pedangnya dari leher Goku, diarahkan pedang itu ke bahunya. Dengan satu dorongan darah terciprat, menodai tubunya dan sekaligus wajah Goku yang ada di dekatnya.


Cukuplah itu bagi Goku untuk mendobrak dinding kendali atas dirinya sendiri. Karena dia tidak ingat apapun setelah itu.

Goku, ayo ikut aku. Ayo kita ambil buah Rashberry sama-sama.


A/N : ditulis sebagai request dari Ry0kiku. dan anehnya kenapa aku nulis waktu aku gak kepikiran apapun sebelumnya. buku kimia bertaburan bersamaan dengan fanfic ini waktu aku nulis.

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The Promise Never to be Fulfilled

Disclaimer : I don't own Saiyuki. It's belong to Kazuya Minekura.

Warning : too short.

Translator : ry0kiku. I love you so much.


Someday, I will show you that beautiful hiding place in Heaven. Someday, ne…

Nataku forced his eyes to open. Only to feel nothing but a sore and tired body. Nataku tried to remember where he was and the reason behind this unbearable pain. Nataku closed his eyes to remember but his mind was too tired to think further. Barely aware of the presence of small hands holding his tightly. As if trying to reassure the fallen boy that he would always by his side.

Once again, Nataku slipped into deep slumber.

While the owner of the small hands also slept, snoring lightly, right beside Nataku. Never realizing the sorrowful fate that was about to befall on him… and the people he loved.

Goku, the Child of the Earth, Seiten Taisei Son Goku.



“Whoever harms my father, no matter who he is… I’ll kill him.” Nataku stated, his War Prince sword pointed to the boy he once acknowledged as a best friend. Once, in the present, and forever will be…

Goku just stared back, attempting to grasp untruth within the eyes that shared the same color with his own. He found none, only determination.

“Kill him, Nataku! For my sake! Heaven doesn’t need two golden-eyed creatures!” Li Touten ordered.

Li Touten’s puppet hesitated. He never wished to kill the only friend he had ever found. But now, as a puppet, he had no choice but to obey his creator, his father.

Nataku swung his sword, discarding all his feelings away for his father. He pointed the sword that subdued the Ox King Gyu Ma Oh to his best friend. While his best friend was too innocent to understand that Nataku was really determined to kill him. He believed that friends would never do anything to harm each other much less to kill!

Kenren, realizing that Nataku held nothing back to kill Goku, the heretic he considered as a younger brother, stepped into the action. Leaping right in front of the stunned Goku, he blocked the sword that was about to take Goku’s life once it landed on him.

“Get away from here!” Kenren yelled as he tried to level Nataku’s stronger attack remembering his status as a War Prince.

Too stunned to understand, Goku only stood there frozen. Witnessing the whole thing from the same place.

Tenpou suddenly appeared, swinging the sword he ‘borrowed’ to Li Touten but Nataku managed to block him.

“Kill these three traitors of Heaven, Nataku!” Li Touten ordered, while cowardly stepped back, shielding himself with his son.

Two against one.

It’s a common sense that the two should win against one. And yet, if that one was a heretic and a War Prince, it’s a different story.

In no time, Kenren and Tenpou were cornered, knowing full well they have no chance to win. Nataku was just too strong for them. Blood started gushing out, staining Tenpou’s clothes red. The same thing happened to Kenren, blood gushing out from the side of his head.

Goku could only stare, started to feel sadness and fear squeezing his chest. Sad to see the people he knew kill each other. Fear for losing the people he loved. Tears started to wound its way.

“Stop it! Don’t fight anymore! I don’t want this. Stop!” Goku yelled. Tears streamed down from his innocent eyes.

They heard him, but could not fulfill his demand.

Goku kept shouting, trying to stop his friends. But to no avail. Because they kept fighting for protection and stubborn obedience.

With one powerful stroke, Kenren and Tenpou slammed against the wall, paralyzing them for a few moments. And that moment was enough for Nataku to turn his attention back to Goku. The sword was pointed back to Goku’s small neck. Just one simple stroke and Goku would die.

“Kill him, Nataku!” Li Touten ordered.

Goku just stood still.

Then he realized that Nataku had yet to know his name. Or more precisely, Goku had yet to tell him. He didn’t have one when they first met each other and after that they always crossed paths at the most unlikely time, where Goku always forgot to tell the name Konzen gave him. Maybe Nataku would stop all of this if I told him my name, Goku thought.

Only Son Goku would think that naïve.

Both of them stared at each other, the sword kept pointed to Goku’s small neck. Nataku never wished to kill his best friend. But his father kept shouting, ordering him to kill his friend. He could not hate his father, for it was because of him he was given life. He would never able to stand against his father. And yet, for that reason, would he choose to kill his best friend instead.

“Nataku…” Goku’s voice broke the silence between the two heretics. “About my name…”

Something seeped into Nataku’s heart, it hurt.

“My name is Son Goku. Nice to meet you!” Goku finished his greeting and smiled warmly at Nataku. An innocent, pure smile, given to the one threatening to take his life.

It was enough for Nataku.

“Goku…” Nataku tried to feel the name with his tongue. Tears betrayed his determination to obey his father, rolling freely down his pale cheeks with the crumples of his heart. Torn between devotion and friendship. He chose the middle way. He would not side with either his father or Goku. The path he unaware of pain and suffering in the future, not only for himself. But also for Goku. He would never knew.

Nataku switched his sword’s course from Goku’s neck, and instead aimed it to his own shoulder. In one stroke blood splattered, staining his own body as well as Goku’s face who was close to him.


It was enough for Goku to shatter the wall within himself. Because he remembered nothing after that.

Goku, come with me. Let’s pick up raspberries together.



Kiku – Yeaaah all done!! Toldya it’s gonna be so sweet!! You know… I cried again while translating this. I put my very best into it… I think this may even better than my own stories! But anyway…sorry if this doesn’t meet your prediction. Thanks for giving me the pleasure to translate this wonderful piece!

Hami – Huhuhu,thank for translating *cries*. Had I not worried about my damned exam I'd do it by myself. Ha! That's lie,I just couldn't muster my english ability in time it was . You did very good job,wid. I a little bit envy you of this. I remember I typed this fic at school lab. Even in indonesian, I couldn't think better word of “splattered”..i asked my friends for proper word but in vain. Sometimes Indonesian,English, Javanese, Maduranese and Arabic are mixed in my pathetic brain so I can't speak properly even though i'm not good in all of them.

Anyway,thank for reading^^

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